Sorting in Data Structure

What is Sorting in Data Structure

Sorting algorithm in data structure refers to ordering data in both ascending and descending order to get a meaningful data which can be analyze easily. we formally define sorting problem as:

Input: A sequence of n numbers <$a_{1}.a_{2}…………….a_{n}$>

Output: A permutation (re-ordering) < $ a^{‘}_{1},a^{‘}_{2}…………………………..a^{‘}_{n}$>

Example of Sorting Problem:

Input < 5,1,6,9,2,1,4>

Output 1 1 2 4 5 6 9

In the world of computer algorithm sorting means to put into some well defined order sorting can also defined to arrange elements in non-decreasing order.

Classification of Sorting:

Internal Sort: A sort is called internal sort if the elements it is sorting are in main memory that is RAM.

External Sort: A Sort is called external if the elements it is sorting are in auxiliary storage.

Types of Sorting in Data Structure

Insertion Sort: Insertion Sort is a simple algorithm is a simple algorithm that place right element at right position in each step done as we do while sorting a playing cards.

Selection Sort: Selection Sort refers to find the largest ( or smallest ) element in an array repeatedly and move that element to its final position.

Quick Sort: Quick sort algorithm used in many process as it is not difficult to implement. It is based on divide and conquer approach.

Merge Sort: It a sort based on divide and conquer approach . In this the list is divide into half and then sorted after that is merged and finally sorted list is obtained,

Heap Sort: The heap sort is an array that can be viewed as a complete binary tree form structure.

Bubble Sort: Bubble Sort also known as exchange sort in which repeatedly list is sorted through comparing two items at a time and swapping them if they are wrong in order

Comparison Between Sorting Algorithms

AlgorithmInsertion SortSelection SortQuick SortMerge SortHeap SortBubble sort
Space complexityO(1)O(1)O(n)O(n)O(1)O(1)
Time complexity Best -case$\Omega$(n)$\Omega(n^{2})$$\Omega(n log n)$$\Omega(n log n)$$\Omega(n log n)$$\Omega$(n)
Time complexity Worst-case$O(n^{2})$$O(n^{2})$O($n^{2}$)O (n log n)O (n log n)$O(n^{2})$
Time Complexity Average – case$\theta(n^{2})$$\theta(n^{2})$$\theta(n log n)$$\theta(n log n)$$\theta(n log n)$$\theta(n^{2})$
Real life ApplicationTailor arrange shirt in closetWhen an small data set need to be sortedSorting PapersSorting large Data setSim Card Store where there are many customers in lineContact list on your phone is sorted in alphabetical order

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