What is Cyber Crime?
“Cyber Crime can be said to be an act of omission committed on the internet, whether indirectly, which is prohibited by any law for which punishment is provided.” In simple language, we can say that the unlawful activity(crime) done in which computers and the internet have played any role is known as cybercrime.
Types of Cyber Crime
It can be classified as old crimes, committed on or through the new medium of the internet. For example:- Fraud, Defamation, Harassment, Pornography, Threats, etc. Different types of cybercrime are explained one by one which is as follows:
Speading Computer Virus:
Segments of code that is able to perform malicious acts and that disrupts the normal working of a program software or a computer are known as computer virus. A computer virus can be spread by any of the following mediums:
- Through Emails
- With the help of internet
- Through the multimedia
- Through removal disk like CD, Pen Drives , Floppy etc it can spread.
Email Spoofing:
Using someone else email-id to send an email without the knowledge of the sender is called email spoofing. For Example, You send an email to your friend, which tends to be coming from Bill Gate ID (billgates@gmicrosoft.com). It says “Microsoft wants to hire you”. Thus, the mail-in reality has not come from Bill Gate ID therefore, it is known as email spoofing.
Out of all crimes, Hacking is one of the biggest threats to the internet and e-commerce. Hacking refers to breaking into a computer system without permission and stealing important or valuable information. In simple words, we can say it is an act that comprises of viewing, sharing, modifying, and stealing someone’s data/file without his/her permission is known as hacking.
DOS Attack:
A denial of services attack is used to attack the target system/server with a large no. of requests at the same time, which cannot be handled and ultimately crashes. In other words, we can say that sending a large number of requests to a system is generally higher than the capacity which cannot be handle. It is generally used by hackers to break down a website or to affect the normal working of the website result in huge losses.
Email Bombing:
Sending a large number of emails to a particular ID/person that is bombing his /her inbox with hundreds or thousands of mails together which sometimes results in crashing the inbox is termed as email bombing.
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